
Mighty Earth



Deforestation in Brazil (and the subsequent killing of wildlife like the jaguar) isn’t something that just happens on the other side of the world.

It starts here.

In our supermarkets.

On our plates.

With some of Europe’s major supermarkets linked to suppliers driving deforestation, every time we buy their meat, it strengthens a series of events that causes the jaguar and other species to die:

The more supermarket meat we buy, the more animals need to be fed.

Meaning more forests are destroyed for farmland

Meaning more animals lose their natural habitat. And their lives.

Quite simply, supermarket meat is feeding deforestation.

We helped charities Mighty Earth and Greenpeace bring this issue closer to home in a way that had impact and didn’t shy away from the real cost of supermarket meat.

By commissioning a Brazilian production team – a team much closer to the horrific environmental acts than ourselves – we were able to create a powerful and unrelenting campaign that would change the way we all think about the meat we eat.

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